Monday, February 20, 2012

Soren turns 6

Soren chose to have a party at school with his class. When we arrived they were all ready and waiting, and very excited. We played some games and had some cake.

Ibu Mici was born to teach children.

We are such avid fans of Ibu Mici I had to include this wonky photo. At pick-up time I can be seen making not-very-subtle attempts at pushing Reuben in her direction in a bid to foster their relationship in hopeful anticipation of him joining her class when he's 5..

In great faith Soren put my paltry cake-making skills to the test again this year, requesting a crocodile cake. Philip and I pulled together and produced something passable. Lovely Soren was very pleased.

A few of these kids seem to be making a polite, brave attempt at swallowing! Ibu Mici kindly informed us that not many of them liked it because Western-style cakes are much sweeter than the Indonesian equivalent. Oops. Oh well.

As each child left, they had to shake Soren's hand, say Happy Birthday and God bless you, then receive a party bag. There's always a formal, proper way to do these things here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guinevere. Emma has just given me your blog link. I'm her mum and Mal and I did partnership development with you two at Wycliffe in 2008. Loving your blog. Thanks for making the effort. I know it takes a lot of time. I did it in Rwanda last year but only for 3 months. You do it all the time! Good work!
